Saturday, June 7, 2008

Check for specific components on IIS Server

Have you ever wondered whether or not a specific component is installed on your host's server? Have you ever just wanted to see a list of the components available for you to use? Perhaps you know that an email component is offered by your host, but you're not sure that it is setup and functioning properly. The Component Tests offered by answer those questions and more.

  1. Download this free test from
  2. Extract the asp files to any directory on your local harddrive.
  3. Upload the files to your website via FTP or any other File Transfer Program.
  4. Access the scripts by typing in the full URL to the script.
  5. The script will run automatically and prompt for further action if required.
  6. Use 'test_mailer_components.asp' to test whether or not certain Mailer Components are installed and functioning properly.
  7. Use 'test_asp_components.asp'  to test whether or not a list of over 300+ server Components are installed on your server for you to use. Details on the version, DLL name, and more are provided for those COMs that are installed.

If your browser tries to download the file instead or returning plain HTML, then you do NOT have an ASP enabled server. Sorry, it just won't work!

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Tags: IIS

Published Date: 20080607

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